Should you file for an extension on your personal taxes?
We’re already less than 30 days away from the April 15 tax deadline. If you’re freaking out, we have a suggestion you may find helpful.
If it’s clear you will need more time to complete your 2014 return, you may want to consider asking us to file an automatic extension for you.
The IRS has made this easier than ever by making Form 4868 available online. By completing this form, we can request an extension that will allow you to file your 2014 return anytime up to October 15, 2015.
Pay now, file later
To qualify for the extension, you must provide an estimate of your tax liabilities and pay any amount due – steps we can help you complete.
This raises a key point that you should understand before deciding to ask for an extension. When the IRS approves your request, you are allowed to file later, but this doesn’t mean you can pay later. But following the required steps will reduce or eliminated interest and late-payment penalties you might otherwise face.
Help is just a click away
As you might guess, this is the busiest season of the year for us. Even so, we are happy to help you with last-minute tax return questions.
Please help us serve you in a timely way by getting in touch via our Contact Us page. We promise to get back to you as quickly as possible.